TOSA Specifications Creation Approach

Hi, I am new to the TOSA community. I just want to know, how the specifications were made to include all the popular frameworks? What were the reasoning and the approach taken? Did the team go through each and every operator available in all the frameworks? If not, then how was it carried out? What were the constraints imposed while selecting the odd 75 operators?


Welcome to the TOSA community.

When we started the work on TOSA, we did create a big spreadsheet with multiple frameworks and operator lists to base the work on. That led to the initial TOSA operator set. From there we iterated on the operator set while looking at more of the framework operators. As we started to converge on what we thought was reasonable, we wrote down the guiding principles of TOSA: TOSA specification operator selection principles. Those are the constraints we’ve imposed. There is always a bit of judgement involved when reasoning about operators against the principles, but as stated, they continue to guide the work.

Since the initial version, we continue to look at frameworks prioritized by the operators that are commonly in use in the frameworks.

The biggest gap we are aware of for TOSA is with regard to training. We plan to spend more time looking at training operators, which will likely require some new TOSA operators.


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Thank you, Eric. It would have been a humongous task of shortlist the operators from all the frameworks! So, if possible, can you provide some resources that explains or give the insights/pipeline of this narrowing down of operator selection? Thanks.

You’re welcome. It was quite a bit of work, and I was the organizer with multiple people on my team doing a lot of the real work.

I don’t have anything in the way of additional resources that is in any shape to publish. What we’ve got in the TOSA specification with the operators and the introductory text is the best resource we’ve got. You can also look at the git log to see the changes over time, but a lot of the initial operator selection happened before we published the first version, so does not appear in the history.

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Thank you, Eric. The TOSA Spec is quite resourceful. Will look at the git log.