TOSA specification 0.21.0 released

I have bumped the version number of the TOSA spec to v0.21.0, and tagged the git repository.

Here are the changes between v0.20.0 and v0.21.0:

Functional changes:

  • MUL, add right shift on 32x32 bit multiply
  • ARITHMETIC_RIGHT_SHIFT: add rounding
  • RESIZE: add float type
  • Add int48 to supported number formats
  • Add SCATTER operator

Descriptive changes:

  • Pseudocode cleanup, usage clarifications
  • Fix various rank limitations
  • Rewrite the introduction for improved clarity
  • Improve the documentation for attributes and inputs for training profile vs. inference profiles.

I forgot to mention, but the pdf rendered copy on the wiki has been updated: ⚡ TOSA